The pit, in and of itself, was inconclusive. When Tag Heuer replica watches pressured with the kind of force that would represent a skier executing a silky smooth jump turn, a layer did, in fact, release, but it wasn’t the kind of sheer that shrinks your cojones and sends you tiptoeing for the nearest safety zone. The summit was literally straight above us; just a few more hard hours and we’d be there. On the other hand, the northwest aspect of Laila is a massive, flat and featureless 45-50-degree tabletop, and it was easy to imagine that any kind of fracture would release the entire face.
It’s times like these that I find it useful to pause for a moment to reflect on my priorities in life.After a refreshing alpine start, we’d been climbing for five hours, Bell & Ross replica watches traversing, really, once we’d rappelled over the ‘shrund, found a semi-stable snowbridge to cross the crevasse that blocked access to the face, then traversed to the base of the rock band that guards the climber’s right. That’s when we started gunning up the central snowfield for the summit. We were good time, thanks in no small part to the evil-looking cornice that threatened the traverse for a good couple of hours.
But the higher we climbed the deeper the snow became until it was waist-deep. It felt stable, but that much snow at that angle and Rolex Datejusts replica watches everything telling us there was more snow above us made those gut instincts kick in. That’s when we dug the pit to check the snow stability. Instincts go a long way in the mountains, and the ability to tune into them is a proven skill for those who have led long and prosperous lives there.